*The Autobianchi Truck*

The beginnings

After the closure of the factory bikes and motorcycles " Bianchi ", the founder Edoardo Bianchi , rimodernizza establishments Desio in the 50s.
It will be here for the next 20 years Bianchi-Autobianchi will produce its tractors and trucks.
The first models are still difficult to see on the streets, but the 2 most important are undoubtedly the Scaligero and Visconteo .

One of the first trucks of the Bianchi

Autobianchi Visconteo

Autobianchi Visconteo

The Autobianchi Visconteo is a truck produced by Autobianchi from 1952 to 1959.
The first production company mechanics Milan Cabi Cattaneo , which sold the patent to Bianchi for serial production.

When it merged the Autobianchi in 1955, the continuous model to be produced. The last half-produced by Bianchi and the first to bring the brand Autobianchi .
Equipped with the same mechanical OM Leoncino, will be produced in two series with vastly different cabins. The first simple, with rounded lines. The second most square and detailed.

Described by advertising it was as a light truck, powerful and affordable, had the unique characteristic of a body prepared to join a reliable engine. Had some success thanks to the ductility of his productions.
The Visconti came out production in 1959, with the arrival of Estense and the Scaligero .

Autobianchi Scaligero

The Autobianchi Scaliger sato a truck produced by Autobianchi 1959-1968.
In 1959, to replace the Visconteo, the Ambrosiano and Filarete, the Autobianchi began to produce two new models: the Estense and Scaliger.
The Scaliger was version more heavy Estense.

Autobianchi Scaligero

A specimen paper at the end of the 50s